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I raised about $2k towards a good cause!

Writer's picture: Jireh ReduqueJireh Reduque

Hello and long time no see! There's a reason why I've been gone for a bit and haven't posted on this blog for a while and it's because I've taken up a new interest: making clay earrings and pins!

If you know me, I have many different interests and like to pick up new hobbies and things to do. And as I was scrolling through my Pinterest account, I saw these beautiful clay earrings and thought, "why don't I give it a try?" And thus, Ji Designs was born! It was a catchy name, but I was inspired by the bible verse in 1 Corinthians 16:14 that states, do everything in love. I wanted to pass along the message that all earrings and pins were made with love and to spread the message of living life in love.

With COVID-19 and the Black Lives Matter social justice movement going, I wanted to give back and do my part. Because just like clay, we have the capability to be changed and stretch ourselves. I did two rounds of launching my earrings and pins and donated the proceeds to special organizations, so check them out below!

The earring designs were heavily inspired by my love for the show, Avatar the Last Airbender (if you haven't watched it, WATCH IT), hence the names for each of the earrings!



Organizations donated to:

Black Lives Matter : a global organization that aims to combat and counter acts of violence towards the black community, liberate black people and to end white supremacy.

The Northwest Community Bail Fund : provides cash bail for those who are unable to pay dues due to poverty in the King and Snohomish counties.

I raised about $500 this round!


Organizations donated to:

Color of Change : the nation’s largest online racial justice organization that moves decision-makers in corporations and governments to help Black people in America.

Kids International Ministries Philippines : a non-profit charity based in Manila that focus on breaking the cycle of poverty through their adoption homes, schools, feeding programs, a pregnancy clinic and much more.

The Nicolas Fund for Education : an organization that equip the next generation of leaders through education for the indigenous Ixil population in Guatemala.

The last two organizations are near and dear to my heart because i’ve had the opportunity to travel to their country and serve (Philippines and Guatemala) during my time in college. I wanted to give back to what these two countries have given me: love and acceptance.

This round, we've raised about $1400!!


And that's it so far! I'm so thankful for the immense support and love i've received making the clay earrings and pins! I could not have done it without your support. When I noticed that I would sell out both rounds, I was immediately taken aback because I didn't know what the response would look like. I was speechless. During this experience I got to meet new people online, all who share a common goal: to make a difference.

I'm sure that the organizations we've raised money for will benefit immensely. Donations go a long way and is one of the best investment you can ever make.

I'll be taking a hiatus to rest and work on some projects that I've set aside. Also to wrap up some loose ends because I'll be having a busy month! But don't worry, based on feedback from everyone, I'll be making a return!

Keep learning, continue to grow, educate, sign petitions, fight for what's right, while also staying safe and healthy!

Remember, when people in the margins benefit, EVERYONE benefits.

Until next blog post!


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