navigating life and the world.
w e l c o m E !

a b o u t m e
Hi! I'm Jireh! (pronounced, "j-eye-rah")
I've created this website to channel my inner creativity and provide a central outlet for everything: my inner thoughts, my travels and adventures, my photo shoots (Sunasnaps Photography), my faith, and much more. For a while, I've been doing a balancing act with all my accounts that it became overwhelming for me. Having this website, provided me the platform to share the world my thoughts, my experiences, my growth and much more.
As a recent college graduate, I'm encountering a lot of conversations and discernment with myself. It's a season of reflecting on the person that am now and the person that I strive to be.
So this website is a start. A start to doing things that I told myself I will do. And to listen to those creative conscious thoughts that I constantly have wiring in my brain.
Thank you for taking the time to check out my website that I've worked hard on. I hope that you enjoy it and that it might inspire you to seek what makes you feel alive.
Keep dreaming, stay creative and never settle.