2019: What a year!
It has been the most challenging, yet life receiving year i've experienced in my life. so many ups and downs. Hills and valleys. Advances and setbacks. And yet, God showed up in so many ways.
For the past month, I've created a HUGE bucket list, full of things that I want to do in my life and things that I want to change in myself. I hope that this (extensive) list inspires you to seek things that make you feel alive and things that continue to push yourself to evolve. I'm excited to look back at this list and see if I can check off many of those boxes.
In regards on updates this month, nothing much has happened. I've been spending this month trying to heal and recover from my accident. (If you haven't heard, read my blog post here.) Physical therapy and meeting with my chiropractor a couple days a week has been helping tremendously with my recovery. I've seen huge strides of improvement in myself, but I'm still not 100 % there yet. But still working hard to get better so that I can prepare to travel to the Philippines in the next couple of weeks.
There's still much to work on, and i'm thankful that my whole family is home to help with my process of healing. From taking me to my appointments to cheering me on, it's been pushing me to get better.
I'm so excited to see what this new year/decade will bring.
Here's my 2019 recap video here.
Until next blog post,
