Wow, how did the this month just pass?! The end of the November is known for the season of Thanksgiving, and I have a lot to be thankful for. Especially to what happened to me a couple of days ago. Keep reading to find out.
On the night of November 23rd, I was on my way to the Sammy Johnson concert in Tacoma to meet up with friends who had come from Seattle. I can see them on the other side of the streets in front of the venue, waiting in line for the concert.
I waved my hand to greet them, eagerly excited to see them and enjoy a great night. But upon walking through the crosswalk, I hear a loud car horn. The next thing I remember, I was laying on the ground, confused and unsure what just happened.
It turns out a car ran into me.
Next thing I know, I hear the ambulance coming and people gathering around me to ask me questions. It was one thing after another, from laying on the street to riding the ambulance to the nearest hospital to running scans to waiting for positive news from the doctor. All of it happen within a matter of minutes.
So I didn’t get to go to the concert that night. But it’s alright because I’m incredibly thankful to leave the hospital with nothing but minor injuries. I got a couple of gashes on my fingers, legs and one on my face. I have a couple of bruises on my legs and one on my left eye. My body was sore at the moment, so I had some difficulty walking around and I got dizzy in some moments. But man, I am still so thankful that nothing major happened to me. Cause frankly, it could have been a lot worse. I remember I couldn’t sleep that night. I was in pain from my heads to my toes so all I could do was just process what has just happened.
So what I’m trying to say is that God for sure brought his angels to watch over me. I cannot tell you the many times the people working in the hospital told me that I got lucky. I mean, they said that the driver was coming at me really fast that I’m sure that I was supposed to leave the hospital with broken bones. So many things could’ve happened to me: broken bones, head injury, lost teeth, lost of sight, paralyzed body parts, even not another chance at life. But God said not today Satan.
This moment just showed me that God is always by my side. As I encountered a season of thanksgiving, there’s also many other things to be thankful for. thankful for my friends Kerrigan and Sophia and my family for being there every step of the way. Thankful for the EMTs, paramedics, nurses, doctors, people at the scene who called 911. Thankful for easy access to medicine.
Thankful for the another chance at life.
Now I haven’t recovered all the way as I am typing out this blog post, but I’ve been able to recover in immense strides thanks to my community of prayer warriors. From family, friends to my professors and mentors who have reached out, their prayers have motivated me to get better each and every day.
This year, my family kept our Thanksgiving mellow. We had our “big” feast for lunch inside the military mess hall and kept it light for our dinner. On that evening as Mama places the doggie in his gate, she calls us in for dinner: Tuscany Soup, toasted dinner rolls, macaroni salad, pumpkin salad, and sparkling apple cider. It was very simple, but it symbolize that we didn’t need much. As long as we have each other, we have everything.
I remember us gathering around the dinner table and each of us taking turns saying what we are thankful for and what’s in our Christmas list. When it came my turn, there was so many things that I wanted to say but had to narrow it down to this:
I’m thankful for another chance at life. God reminded me that life is short and to hold dear to those around you. He’s proven to me that he’s the miracle worker and healer of all.
I’m thankful for my family and friends. They’ve shown me what unconditional love and support looks like.
I’m thankful for getting an education. As I reflect on the year, getting my degree was a huge deal for me and for my family. As my mom would say, “You can have all your material possessions in flames, washed away, stolen, but they cannot take your education away from you. Now that holds the key to your life and to your future.”
When my family and I gathered around the dinner table, sharing laughs and stories, I am reminded by how blessed I am. I don’t know how I got to where I am now, except by the grace of God. So this is my testimony that God is there and He brought the Holy Spirit to protect me. That just goes to say to lean onto Jesus. God will never leave you if you just let Him in. Start every day with a simple prayer of thanks and to have God watch over you. Move forward in faith! I know that God will show you breakthroughs and triumphs in the future.
Until next blog post.
