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to my mama..

Writer's picture: Jireh ReduqueJireh Reduque

Happy Mother's Day to the wonderful women who raised us! I know everyday you should be celebrated, so cheers to you! Moms are the absolute best! I mean, we all wouldn't be here without them right? I understand that this can also be a difficult time for those who weren't raised with a mother, have one that passed, estranged from your one, have pain and grief with a mother, mother is in another place etc. I just want to know that your feelings are valid and that I hope you find ways to take care of yourself during this day.

I do want to take a moment though to express my love and admiration for my mom. Every year, it gets harder to find ways to show my appreciation for my mom. So why not pour my thoughts into a blog post dedicated to her?

Mama, if you're reading this, this post is goes to you...


Dear Mama,

Ever since I left for college and embarked on this new experience of freedom and independence, I never realized how dependent I was on you.

When Papa was deployed during our childhood, you raised 3 young girls and I'm sure we were quite the handful. I gained a better appreciation of the way you raised my sisters and I to be strong women and to go after our dreams.

You are the strongest person that I know. You know how to keep your head up, stay positive and rely on God through the tough times.

You have been there through all our events, the soccer games, the choir concerts, performances, ceremonies, etc. You've shown immense support to anything we put our minds to.

You've modeled what it means to live a life courageously. To push past those fears and doubts and chase after dreams. You made your dreams (and mine) come true.

I'll never forget those times when you would call me randomly to make sure that I’m eating well. Or call to ask if I need money to do laundry or buy groceries. Or the lovely photos of Milo you would text me. Little moments like that shows the small acts of love you have for your family.

I love coming downstairs watching you cut, chop, cook some delicious homecooked dishes. You always seem to have a smile in your face when you make something delicious. And sometimes you would share stories about your past that ties in with what you are making. Nothing beats your cooking ma. Nothing.

You achieve that perfect balance between being loving and caring but also being a bad-ass at the same time.

I love how free-spirited you are. You go, head-on into things that you love. And I love the fun, laughter-filled, moments during the day. Oh, and I can't forget the Zumba/dance party moments. I know where I get my moves from.

You’re the type of person that wakes up early in the morning to make us breakfast, even though you don’t have to get ready for work for another 2-3 hours. I fully now appreciate the ways you put others needs in front of yours.

I will never take for granted the amount of patience and grace that you have for my sisters and I.

As a mom, you carry multiple titles: mentor, caregiver, teacher, chef, life coach, organizer... you are a superhero!

A couple of years down the road when I eventually have my own offspring, I hope to be at least half of a mother to them like you were for me. I want to be like how you modeled what a strong, patient, loving, hardworking mother is.

Thank you for shaping me into the person I am today.

Thank you for always making my day, you never seem to fail to make me smile.

Thank you for providing food on the table, clean clothes, and a roof above our heads.

Thank you for helping me find my faith. You’ve taught me how to put God in the center.

Thank you for teaching me the importance of being strong, to always serve others and be a good role model to my sisters and those around me.

Thank you for helping me reach for the stars. You told me to believe in myself, that nothing is impossible.

Thank you for being my number one supporter.

I love you so much mom. You mean the absolute world to me. Thank you for loving me. Happy Mother's Day!

- Ayrah


Not going to lie, I cried a bit while writing this post. Mom, look what you did to me. You owe me a box of tissues. Just kidding.

Until next blog post!

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